perm filename HERB.2[AM,DBL] blob sn#389895 filedate 1978-10-20 generic text, type T, neo UTF8


F↓rom one anti-neo-classicist to another, congratulations on receiving the
Nobel.  You deserved it;  I say that knowing  very little about  economics
but enough about Simon to be sure it's true.

I am trying to broaden my  background in the biological sciences now,  and
have come up with some new ideas  I'd like to talk over.  You're  probably
swamped with unexpected talks right now, so I'll wait a bit, and send  you
something in writing to glance at  first.  Settling in back here has  been
rather smooth, but I miss our meetings.  The next time I come East, I hope
we can get together and talk for a while.
